Here is finally the so expected version of this game, Star Stormer...
Go to the conquest of space, by trying to save the planet Terra II from the Xull invaders...In this game you are one of the best space navigators of your planet: Terra II, a new human colony. It has been now 200 years that the first humans have arrived here...there has been until now no problems with the neighbor races of this planetary system, but a few months ago, the planet Xull had plans to expand themselves: The government of Terra II has decided a general mobilization and you have been chosen to protect the space around Terra II: your mission order: DO NOT LET ANYTHING APPROACH FROM TERRA II. Good Luck!
In the years 1945, a German scientist named Verner von Braun went to the United States of America to pursue his research on rockets and propulsions..
Since then the Space age has advanced by big steps, and science hasn't stopped it's progression... Now in 2999 we have conquered many planets and have become master in extracting our energies from the different planets..
This has not always pleased the other federations, and we are now faced with the fact that some Xull government has decided that we have advanced too far and wants to move us out of our new planet system Terra 2...
Now the Xull's have launched an armada of it's powerful army, and they just launched a new sort of satellites which should arrive in our frontiers in a few seconds...
We just had time to choose one of our best SDP (Space Defense Pilot) to go out there and defend our planet Terra 2...
Now our planet and galaxy are in your hands...We put our hopes in you to defend our planet... God bless you....
To use this game you will need a minimum of:
- A computer with a base of 68020 à 16 MHz
- A video card 8 bits (256 tints) and a color screen
- 2 Mega of RAM
This game took many hours of work, it seems normal to us authors that this
hard labor should be rewarded by a salary (again and always...): This is why we are putting on the market this freeware, demonstration of the game which has 1/10 Th. of the final product, in hoping to find an editor who would like to distribute it on this planet. We have strong doubts that a informatic editor in Switzerland would do it...(Is there a Swiss Micro-Informatic??), we are open to all propositions of French editors, americans,etc..
By the way, if you have been impressed by the quality of the animation and by the speed of the game, we are selling the graphic routines in the form of libraries for the THINK C 5.0 language which has been used for the realization of this game.These routines include these functions:
- CopyBitFast()
- Scroll()
- Pict2Pix()
- Pix2Pict()
- Icon2Pix()
- DrawPt()
and a few others...
The function CopyBitFast is the graphics function, it allows a transfer of a PixMap directly on the video card of the Macintosh and allows a great acceleration compared to the sister-function of the toolbox CopyBit().
This routine pack is sold 100 FRS (Swiss francs), Please contact us BEFORE sending any amount of money.
The demo version has the following characteristics:
- Animation in 256 colors at 60 pictures/seconds
- 8 independent sprites on screen
- Sound 11 Khz in perfect asynchrony
- Graphics realized with the 3D Swivel Pro program
To reach us:
Antoine ROSSET
16 Boulevard des Tranchées
1206 Geneva
FAX: (41) (22) 789 35 03
Server: Perokstroika at 2400 baud's (41) (22) 320 11 95, User 120, "ROSSET"
Server: Cyclone at 2400 baud's (41) (22) 349 95 47. User 28, "BYAKHEE"